antoinette a.

Philippines | English
$8.70 / Hour
Hours Worked
Times Hired
The ProCompleted 960 hours of work
Client SatisfiedCompleted 960 hours of work to a contract


I am a driven, goal-oriented professional with experience in customer service, sales and appointment settings. My creativity and problem solving skills help me build lasting relationships and exceed customer and client expectations. I am passionate about leading a healthy, energetic lifestyle, and surround myself with positive influences that motivate me to reach new goals.

I have been in the call center industry of 5 years and I also have experience working from home. I'm staying in quiet place with no children.

Interested to work in

  • Hourly job
  • Performance based job
  • Experience

    5 years on phone experience

    0 years of off-phone experience


  • Surveys
  • B 2 C Calling
  • B 2 B Calling
  • Upselling
  • Closing Sales
  • Feedback

    8 years ago
    (Antoinette) Toni has been working for Jaram following up our client base and gaining hot leads. We have been using Toni for many months and have found her to be excellent- very methodical and dedicated. She applies herself to her task well and has an excellent attitude.
    I without hesitation give her a 5 star rating and would recommend her to any prospective employer.
    I may be contacted on email should you have any further queries.

    Jon M.
    Aug. 2014 to Mar. 2016
    Jon is a great client to work with. He is very helpful and approachable and is always available to answer any questions.

    Thank you for the opportunity and trust. Hope I can work with you again in the near future.

    antoinette a.