Celeste C. U.

Customer Service Representative - Voice and Non-Voice/Lead Generation/Telemarketing/Appointment Sett
Philippines | English
$12.00 / Hour
Hours Worked
Times Hired
The ProCompleted 3840 hours of work
Client SatisfiedCompleted 960 hours of work to a contract
Odialer CertifiedMade 8 hours of calls using Odialer


I feel that I am the best person for the job since I am equipped with the right training and experience that is needed for the position. Apart from that, I have other skills that I can bring in to the table as an add on for other tasks that the job may entail. Such includes my ability to perform admin tasks, train or orient clients, perform voice over projects and write scripts or articles, that is if the need arises.

A career-driven person, able to multi-task and highly skilled with the BPO processes. Customer service-oriented person, guaranteed to perform well both inbound and outbound, voice and non-voice support for your campaigns. Able to write scripts, blogs and whatever niches you want to be done.

Interested to work in

  • Hourly based jobs only.
  • Experience

    8 years on phone experience

    14 years of off-phone experience


  • Surveys
  • B 2 C Calling
  • B 2 B Calling
  • Upselling
  • Closing Sales
  • Managing Teams
  • Feedback

    9 years ago
    It was disappointing not to hear from Celest at the time we agreed. This appointment was short lived.

    Jul. 2014 to Jul. 2014
    It was unfortunate not to be able to start this project as agreed, due to unavoidable technical difficulties caused by one of the biggest typhoons that hit the country.

    Celeste C. U.
    10 years ago
    Contract ended due to lack of communication.

    Damien A.
    Nov. 2013 to Jan. 2014
    10 years ago
    Duplicate hire made, so I need to cancel

    Dave R.
    Aug. 2013 to Aug. 2013
    11 years ago
    reliable agent

    Andrew M.
    Feb. 2013 to Mar. 2013
    A very kind and understanding employer. Very professional.

    Celeste C. U.